An important part of our smart technology solution for developers is the security system.

For us, a company focused on innovation and comfort, the choice of each system is crucial. For users, the system must not be a burden, but a benefit. It must be intuitive, safe and functional. Developers will appreciate minimal downtime and maintenance, quick installation and low costs. Our condition for choice is always functionality in symbiosis with other systems.

EZS larx uhlikove folie zabezpeceni jablotron

That is why we have chosen such a system for securing property and people, to which we can also connect the complete heating of a development project and other equipment and comfortably control everything with one mobile application. It is a system from a proven Czech manufacturer Jablotron.


The Jablotron security system has a wide range of options – sensors including movement and fire, photo verification, notification of the current status via the application and SMS, connection to the central security desk. We have carefully selected such a mix of services and security elements for our LARX package in order to create a system that is as clear and functional as possible for both the developer and the user. If you are interested, we will of course also provide individual tailor-made solutions.

Pokud chcete vylepšit svůj developerský projekt o moderní vytápění, zabezpečení a další technologie a zároveň zachovat jednoduchost a nízké náklady,
zde najdete více o našem LARX balíčku chytrých technologií pro developery.

If you want to improve your development project with modern heating, security and other technologies while maintaining simplicity and low costs, here you will find more about our LARX smart technology package for developers.