We implemented the LARX CARBON-FILM.COM heating system in a newly built apartment house in Pec pod Sněžkou, Krkonose mountains.

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Carbon foils are also suitable for less climatically friendly environments. Proof of this could be our installations in the localities of Klínovec, Orlické hory, Jizerské hory or Šumava. This time the customer contacted us about the heating of the apartment house directly in Pec pod Sněžkou in Krkonose mountains.

In total, we installed 131 square meters of LARX durable carbon film in the apartment house, divided into 11 heating zones.

LARX uhlikove folie instalace

Heating control is provided by the Jablotron system, popular mainly due to the possibility of remote control using a simple mobile application. Thus, the inhabitant can turn the heating on, for example, when leaving the ski slope through the application, so that a pleasant warmth from the floor awaits him at home.

LARX uhlikove folie instalace

Také řešíte systém vytápění ve Vašem domě? Neváhejte, a zašlete nám svůj projekt přes kontaktní formulář a společně najdeme vhodné řešení.

Are you choosing the heating system for your house? Do not hesitate and send us your project via the contact form and together we will find a suitable solution.