There are many myths, half-truths and misrepresentations in the world of electric heating, particularly carbon film heating, which do nothing more than discourage customers from heating with carbon heating film. Recently, more have emerged that are worth setting the record straight.

larx carbon kit larx heating mat

Heating carbon film are resistance heating, principally an innovation of the heating wire/heating mat. Their installation is much easier and faster. This is also why heating systems using heating cables are often much maligned by dealers. We at LARX are not afraid of innovation and try not to reject competitors’ products and solutions on principle. That is why we have included LARX Heating Mats in our product range, which are able to solve the problem of installing a heating film directly under the pavement. Even so, there is a lot of false information circulating among sales representatives of various companies in our industry, which they are not afraid to spread among customers.

Carbon heating film wholesurface heating

The heating film is in contact with the floor covering (or screed) over its entire surface. This makes temperature distribution and heat transfer much more efficient than with heating cable or water-based floor systems. Our LARX CARBON-FILM.COM heating system heats really all over its surface. The heat radiates evenly from the entire floor surface into the heated room. When using a water floor heating system or an electric heating cable, even with the best meander arrangement, you cannot achieve such an even distribution of the floor surface temperature as with heating film, where there are no cold / overheated spots on the floor, the heating has a fast ramp-up, the control is dynamic and precise and the room has a healthy climate.

heating film                                                 heat cable

LARX Carbon Kit                  Topná rohož

Unlike linear systems (water/heat cable systems), the carbon film will still function and heat without problems even if accidentally damaged (e.g. drilled through). In the event of damage to the heating cable, the heating system may stop heating the entire room, this is not the case with heating film.

Pressed connectors and cables

Only our LARX connectors and wires should be used to install the LARX CARBON-FILM.COM heating system. These are specific wires and connectors designed specifically for carbon film heating installations. The wires are made of tinned copper, have double electrical insulation and are resistant to high temperatures. Other cables or wires are not suitable for the installation of the LARX CARBON-FILM.COM heating system. We recommend using our crimping pliers to crimp the connectors. The crimping pliers crimp the connector throughout with exactly the force needed for ideal contact, plus they make the whole installation process easier and faster. When these basic rules are followed, these joints are strong, unbreakable and at the same time the cable touches the connector with maximum surface area. Concerns about the durability and safety of these connections are absolutely out of place.

podlahove topení, elektrické podlahové vytápění, larx, uhlíkovéfó, uhlíkové topné fólie, instalace svépomocí

The situation on the European electric heating market

Due to competition, some trading companies are marketing to customers by making false claims about competitors’ products and, in turn, making false claims about their own carbon film products. These include:

  • Lack of carbon in competing products (carbon concentration in any carbon film is the same to 0.1% density accuracy)
  • Worthless marketing certificates
  • Propagace doplňujícího produktu odrazové fólie jako konkurenční výhody (v podlaze je to pouze další vrstva izolace, více v informací v první části)
  • Promotion of the complementary product reflective foil as a competitive advantage (in the floor it is just another layer of insulation, more in the information in the first part of this article)
  • Promotion of lower energy consumption100W of input power means approx. 96.4% of output heat/energy – this applies in general, i.e. for heating cable, heating mat and any carbon film regardless of the manufacturer. If any manufacturer claims that their product is more efficient, they are denying the laws of physics.

Naše společnost LARX s.r.o. se zcela jasně vymezuje vůči tomuto neférovému konkurenčnímu chování na trhu. Nesnižujeme se k těmto praktikám, ani vyjadřování ke konkurenčním produktům. Náš cíl je inovace, kvalitní produkt (technologie uhlíkových fólií) a spokojenost našich zákazníků. Důkazem kvality našeho produktu je skutečnost, že se systém vytápění LARX UHLÍKOVÉFÓLIE.CZ prodávají mimojiné ve významném internetovém obchodě, v síti prodejen hobbymarketů Hornbach a u jiných důvěryhodných obchodních partnerů. Pokud nás jako zákazníci plánujete oslovit pro dodání řešení na Váš projekt, velmi rádi Vám obecně vysvětlíme výhody i nevýhody technologie uhlíkových fólií. Pro každý projekt/zákazníka je vhodná jiná technologie. Naší prioritou není prodávat výhradně naše produkty. Pokud náš produkt není vhodný, doporučíme zákazníkovi takové řešení, které je pro něj nejvhodnější a bude vyhovovat jeho požadavkům a představám. Nabízíme pouze to, co funguje a bude fungovat i našemu zákazníkovi.

Our company clearly defines itself against this unfair competitive behaviour on the market. We do not condone these practices or comment on competing products. Our goal is innovation, quality product (carbon film technology) and customer satisfaction. Proof of the quality of our product is the fact that the LARX CARBON-FILM.COM heating system is sold, among other things, in the major online store, in the network of Hornbach Hobby Markets and other trusted business partners. If you as a customer are planning to contact us to deliver a solution for your project, we will be happy to explain the advantages and disadvantages of carbon foil technology in general. Different technology is suitable for each project/customer. Our priority is not to sell exclusively our products. If our product is not suitable, we will recommend a solution that is most suitable for the customer and will meet their requirements and ideas. We only offer what works and will work for our customer.